When Harold Ford, Jr. walked onto the Quick Center stage for his OPEN Visions forum he knew whose district he was standing in.” There is not a better Congressman in Washington than Chris Shays,” said Ford, to a crowd of about 600 Fairfield University students and community members.” No national legislator has been to Iraq more times than Chris Shays.” Shays, who was also in attendence, responded, ” The reason Harold Ford likes me so much is because when I realized that I wasn’t going to be president, I went up to him and told him that he was one of the three legislator’s that I thought would someday.” Ford, a former four-term congressman from Tennessee’s 9th Congressional district, is the current chairman of the Democratic Leadership Council. He also serves as a vice chairman at Merrill Lynch. Ford was introduced by Peter Otoki 08, who said” it is an honor and privilege to present some who shows what the American dream can be.” Ford returned the praise, saying that Otoki, who will be working at Goldman Sachs next year, is someone who” wants an America that he could give to his kids, just like Ford does.” Otoki said that Ford was an inspiration for many in the audience including himself.” The main reason that people buy into his ideas and the same reason they love Obama, is because they are attracted to the belief of hope.” Chair of the Politics Department John Orman, who took a seat next to Shays, asked Ford what cabinet position he would take if Obama will offered him one. Ford, who recently got engaged, jokingly invited Orman to ask his fianc e that question. At one point, during the forum, ” I was sitting next to Chris Shays, and he is a supporter of the war so when Ford made a statement of support, for the war Shays leaned over to me and asked if it was OK to applaud, because I feel that we are in a quagmire there.,” said Orman. When the conversation took a theoretical turn, Ford stated if he were to become president for a day, car bombs in Iraq would be one of the issues he would tackle.” I would say to Steve Jobs and Bill Gates that you two have made a lot of money in the technology field, and there are these car bombs blowing up my boys in Iraq, thus I need you two to come up with a device that stops that problem.” Ford also felt there was a growing problem in our educational system. He has supported vouchers of the most expensive school in the area. Republican’s have said that is too much of a voucher, and Democrats have argued that the voucher would take away from local schooling.” If parent’s are willing to pay 20, 000 a year to send their kids to kindergarten, that tells me two things; one there is a problem and two, they really love their kids,” he said. Tinisha Boyd, was among the high school students from Bridgeport to be honored in the Upward Bound program. Boyd said, ” I think that Ford was really inspiring, because of what he wanted our higher educational system to become.” Source: The Mirror.
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